Our Clients

Forbes is privileged to have done research for prestigious clients, across sectors and industries. This gives us subject matter expertise in many areas,
but also proves that our research methodologies transcends industries.

Note: This list is not exhaustive

Our testimonials

From clients

RP has been working closely with Forbes Research on brand perception surveys for the past five years. We are happy with the professional services provided by Dr Chan and his Team. They are responsive and produce high quality data collection and analysis services.

Republic Polytechnic

We found the team responsive and they were able to complete more suveys than most of the other vendors who were awarded for this project. We would consider engaging Forbes again for future projects.

Infocomm Media Development Authority

The Forbes team has been very responsible and responsive throughout the duration of our study and we are highly appreciative of that. Please convey our thanks to them.

Ministry of Defence (MINDEF)

Thank you for helping us with a critical part of our project. We had a good working experience with the team... and although there were twists and turns and a very tight timeline, your team adapted quickly and with patience...

Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth (MCCY)

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